Tuesday, January 24, 2006

God is in envelopes

greetings and salutations, my true friends, from windy winona lake. i can't decide where it is colder...outside by the lake or here at my computer. we recently got our gas and electric bill, and one of our roommates informed us that we would no longer be keeping the house at a normal human temperature. no, we must now live in sub-human-polar-bear-march-of-the-penguins type fridgidness. actually, i think it's kind of romantic how we can't afford to pay for anything. it makes me feel like we are rationing supplies because we are under siege by the nazis or something, which is very exciting.
today i went to check my box at school that is usually depressingly void of notes from secret admirers, dazzling good grades or care packages (i said USUALLY), but in place of the wooden nothingness was a small envelope. my name was printed in all capital letters, and my box number was written below. thinking the envelope held yet another reminder about my college account, overdue library books or another expense of some sort, i hesitated in opening it. but, open it i did, and all to find a twenty dollar bill. no note, no explanation. God in an envelope.

so, welcome to my new blog....please don't expect noble narratives or lengthy literature or anything remotely profound out of me. i'm just the girl next door who wants to tell you about her life. at least parts of it.
love you all.